Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Teen Drivers

How scary is it?                   

It's Teen Driver Safety week! So we need to talk about our young drivers. According to the CDC, six teens, ages 16 to 19, die every day from motor vehicle injuries. Per mile driven, teen drivers ages 16 to 19 are nearly three times more likely to be in a fatal crash. As a parent of teenagers, those are very scary numbers!

The National Safety Council says that at least half of all teens will be involved in a car crash before they graduate from High School. Half! They strongly suggest parents drive with teens even after they get their license. Teens who drive with their parents in the car decrease the probability of causing a crash. So I know for many parents it seems a very stressful and harrowing experience to be a passenger in their child's care, so think of it as a way to pass your experience and knowledge onto your young drivers.

When people call in about adding their teenager to their policy, we tell them part of the reason it is so expensive to add a teen driver is because of the risk associated with new drivers. It isn't a matter of if they will get into an accident. It's a matter of when they will.

Inexperienced drivers struggle with judging the space needed to change lanes in traffic, driving safely in poor weather conditions and making turns safely. Your child may be a very conscientious driver, but it isn't just their driving you have to worry about. More experienced drivers know how to drive defensively. They know to look at how others are driving to avoid accidents. New drivers assume everyone else will drive the same way they will. 
* For additional tips on good driving habits, read about TeenSafe

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